Analysis of Tourist Visit Growth and Potential Tourism Destinations in NTB
growth of tourist arrivals, potential tourist destinations, tourism sector, Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) ProvinceAbstract
West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province is one of the provinces that has unique, distinctive, and interesting tourism potential. The number of tourist visits to NTB in 2022 reached 3,049,556 people, an increase of 20.5% compared to 2021. However, the growth of tourism in NTB is followed by various challenges such as regional tourism capacity. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the growth of tourist visits and the potential of tourism destinations in order to realize sustainable tourism that provides benefits for the community, environment, and economy on an ongoing basis. This study aims to analyze the potential of tourism destinations juxtaposed with the dynamics of tourist visits to NTB Province, especially Lombok Island. This research uses a qualitative method. The results showed that sustainable tourism development is triggered by internal factors in the form of NTB's tourism potential and external factors, namely government policies, infrastructure availability, and the active role of local communities. In essence, sustainable tourism development must be done holistically and involve all stakeholders. The government needs to develop policies that support sustainable tourism. In addition, efforts to increase the availability of infrastructure and the active role of local communities are a necessity. Therefore, it is recommended for the Government/Local Government to: 1) formulate policies that support sustainable tourism; 2) increase the availability of tourism infrastructure; and 3) empower local communities through their involvement in sustainable tourism development.
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